
FIELD MARSHAL EDITION By pre-ordering the Field Marshal Edition prior to February 18th, you will be able to access the exclusive pre-order beta which will be running for 48 hours from February 18th to February 20th. Play Panzer Corps 2 before everyone else by pre-ordering the Field Marshal Edition! Fied Marshal Edition exclusive bonus materials – First two DLCs: The Field Marshal Edition includes the first two DLCs for Panzer Corps 2, Axis Operations: Spanish Civil War and Axis Operations: 1939. Buying the first two DLCs through the Field Marshal Edition allows you to have priority access to them one week before their release. – New Bonus scenarios: 4 brand new scenarios in which you can test your mettle against the AI. Face new, original situations and adapt your tactics to overcome your opponents. – New Camo skins: New 75 exclusive skins are available for your vehicles. In Panzer Corps 2 you can customize the appearance of your units, and with the General Edition you have access to special skins which aren’t accessible in the base game. – Digital printable Campaign tree chart: A beautiful hi-res printable artwork depicting the branching single player Wehrmacht campaign in Panzer Corps 2, and which choices you can take. – Digital Wallpapers: 4 Hi-res desktop sized digital wallpapers depicting new Panzer Corps inspired artwork. – Digital Soundtrack: 16 beautiful tracks composed by the talented Bill Meyers, Dan Bewick and Alexander Shargin, inspired by classic movies on World War II. Available for download as high quality .mp3 files. GENERAL EDITION General Edition exclusive bonus materials – New Bonus scenarios: 4 brand new scenarios in which you can test your mettle against the AI. Face new, original situations and adapt your tactics to overcome your opponents. – New Camo skins: New 75 exclusive skins are available for your vehicles. In Panzer Corps 2 you can customize the appearance of your units, and with the General Edition you have access to special skins which aren’t accessible in the base game. – Digital printable Campaign tree chart: A beautiful hi-res printable artwork depicting the branching single player Wehrmacht campaign in Panzer Corps 2, and which choices you can take. – Digital Wallpapers: 4 Hi-res desktop sized digital wallpapers depicting new Panzer Corps inspired artwork. – Digital Soundtrack: 16 beautiful tracks composed by the talented Bill Meyers, Dan Bewick and Alexander Shargin, inspired by classic movies on World War II. Available for download as high quality .mp3 files.

关于这款游戏 战争游戏之王再次归来! 易于上手难于精通,在这款精心制作的回合制游戏中,你的每一个决定,而不是鼠标的点击频率,将会决定战争的结果。要从智慧上超越你的敌人,而不是速度! 游戏的玩法机制种类繁多,包括模型单位的移动,战斗,侦查,包围,天气,占领敌人物资等等。 丰富的游戏内容 《装甲军团2》的亮点在于拥有丰富的内容。你可以在第二次世界大战中扮演每一个核心力量,并在与敌人交战的过程中控制超过1000个独一无二的单位!游戏中每一个单位都经过了细致的建模和动画制作。可以说除了《装甲军团2》,没有哪一款其他的游戏能够在第二次世界大战的模拟中呈现如此之多的逼真车辆! 指间的第二次世界大战 《装甲军团2》包含大量的战役分支,包括大约60个场景战役:比如你将能够在整个二战期间率领德国国防军,把老兵们从一个战场带向另一个战场。 4个精心设计的单人场景战役和10个经过精心平衡的多人模式在等着你。除此之外,游戏中的遭遇战模式还拥有一个高级随机地图生成器,提供六种不同的地图类型以及四种任务模式。 终极战争游戏的在线体验 挑战你的好友,或者并肩作战与AI敌人对抗。《装甲军团2》提供了一系列多人游戏选项:热座模式,服务器辅助邮件模式(来自Slitherine的PBEM++),以及一个真正的多人在线游戏模式。在后一个游戏模式中,你的回合将与合作伙伴一同进行,这样能够将等待时间基本降低到零! 强大的编辑器 玩家自制内容一直以来都是《装甲军团》游戏系列的核心。出于同样的原因,在《装甲军团2》中我们将迎来更为强大的场景战役编辑器,它拥有更加友好的用户界面,更加易于使用。通过编辑器,你可以在任何时候创建自己的战役,单人场景战役以及多人地图,或者享受来自其他玩家所创建的内容。无数玩家们的精心制作将会在《装甲军团2》中呈现,带来无限的可玩性!

系统需求 最低配置: 操作系统: 64-bit Windows 8/10 (the game runs on Windows 7 but no support will be provided) 处理器: Intel or AMD, Dual Core or better (Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system) 内存: 8 GB RAM 显卡: nVidia or AMD, 2GB VRAM DirectX 版本: 11 存储空间: 需要 12 GB 可用空间 声卡: DirectX compatible sound device 推荐配置: 操作系统: 64-bit Windows 8/10 (the game runs on Windows 7 but no support will be provided) 处理器: Intel or AMD, Dual Core or better (Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system) 内存: 8 GB RAM 显卡: nVidia or AMD, 4GB of VRAM DirectX 版本: 11 存储空间: 需要 12 GB 可用空间 声卡: DirectX compatible sound device


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